J says:
I'm coping with my stress by reading trashy romance novels...there's a 50% chance that my brain will shrivel up and fall out my ear before I get a job.

Jesse says:
i don't know why you do that to yourself

Jesse says:
or how it copes with stress

Jesse says:
i really really don't get that

Jesse says:
how you knowingly read books that aren't good

J says:
they're not BAD they're just sleaze....

Jesse says:
i don't see how they could be good

J says:
Well, they are light, and fluffy, and you KNOW how they're going to end...

J says:
And really, how can reading 40 pages of sex in a grocery store be bad...sigh...

Jesse says:
that's nto what i mean

Jesse says:
i guess i just don't get that...

Jesse says:
reading something purposely "light and fluffy"

Jesse says:
like, reading a book because you know it won't be too mentally taxing

Jesse says:
like reading soemthing you know is going ot suck because you're not in the mood for something amazing

Jesse says:
i can't wrap my head around that.

J says:
Its better than watching TV, and I need to shut my brain off sometimes...

Jesse says:
i know

Jesse says:
i know exactly for what purpose you do it...

J apparently in the newspaper says:
I think to much

Jesse says:
maybe that's my problem

Jesse says:
exemplified by my inability to comprehend purposely reading low brow books

Jesse says:
i guess i've only used book to turn my brain on, not shut it off. i don't think i can shut mine down much

Jesse says:
as is obvious in how many messages i keep writing and how i can't stop

J says:
I just need to sometimes, or I'll think myself to death

J says:
Ever since I read hamlet man...I'm scared

Jesse says:
no no you don't die, from over thinking

Jesse says:
i do it constantly

Jesse says:
you know how in harry potter...

Jesse says:
how they say if you drink unicorn blood you will only have a half life?

Jesse says:
that's what happens

Jesse says:
you keep thinking yourself to near death, but never actually die

Jesse says:
it's like cutting something in half indefinitely; it never really quite goes to zero


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